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Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

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Gennarizushi | Our Regional Cuisines


Ingredients (For 20 pieces)

  • Rice 1 sho
  • Mixed vinegar 400cc
  • [For this amount of mixed vinegar] Vinegar 900cc
  • [For this amount of mixed vinegar] Sugar 700g
  • [For this amount of mixed vinegar] Salt 100g
  • Splendid alfonsino 1kg (Including 240-500g of flakes)
  • Sake 1 tbsp.
  • [A] Sugar 100g
  • [A] Salt 1 tsp.
  • [A] Sake A little more than 1 tsp.
  • Carrots 1kg
  • Sugar 300g
  • Carrots Just a little

How to cook

  • 1. Steam the cooked rice for 15 minutes, then place it into a sushi oke and quickly mix in 400cc of mixed vinegar. Use the leftover vinegar for your hands.

  • 2. Remove the head and internal organs of the splendid alfonsino and boil in water with sake added (not listed in the ingredients) until the backbone separates from the body. Remove the skin and fine bones, place in a colander, wash and separate into flakes under running water, wrap in a cloth, wring well, and drain.

  • 3. Put 2 and [A] into a pot and mix well before heating. Remove the moisture to prevent it from burning and make oboro.

  • 4. Place the julienned carrots in a pot, add enough water to submerge them, and when it comes to a slight boil, add sugar and salt and bring to a simmer.

  • 5. Fill up one rice bowl with the sushi rice.
    After getting some vinegar on your hands, use a finger to make a hole in the center of the sushi rice in the rice bowl and place 4 in it. Place the sushi rice from the rice bowl onto your hands with vinegar on them and make it into a ball so that the carrots are not visible. Then put it into a rectangular mold.

  • 6. Use your fingers to firmly push the sushi rice into the corners of the mold, press it in firmly with a board, lift the mold while holding it down with your fingers, and let go.

  • 7. Place the oboro on top.

provider : Kaikosha’s “Shizuoka’s Side Dishes”

Recipes vary depending on the region and home.


Food Cultures Office, Overseas Market Development and Food Cultures Division, Food Industry Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
